Thursday, September 01, 2005

I am so tired right now (is this starting to sound familiar?). Today was typical. I was out the door by 7:30 and downtown by 8. I had a little more reading to do in Constitutional Process, and I wanted to get it done. The class seemed to drag a little more than usual, and to break the monotony, I volunteered in class. Thankfully, I was right. I think that my note taking skills are definitely improving. After class, I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then commandeered a study room to go over the work that I had to do for Civil Procedure. I live in fear of being called on by the professor, so I prepared as best I could for the class. Sure enough, there came a pregnant pause in the class. The professor had been picking on 3 of my friends all class, so I raised my hand to deflect the aim. I answered the question, and the professor said that I was close but not quite there. At that point, someone behind me raised their hand and said the exact same thing that I had just said (word for word), but this time the professor exclaimed “that’s it!”. I kind of shook my head, thinking that I was going crazy. After class, I asked my friends if this, in fact, had happened. They were with me on this. They said that I said the same thing as the other person. Oh well, live and learn. At least I am getting over my fear of volunteering. The afternoon was given over to doing my Legal Analysis Assignment.
I then went to the Grand Lux Café and met my friend Susan for dinner. I have known Susan for over 4 years, and we have become pretty good friends over that time. Over a great dinner of shrimp, a chicken sandwich (for me), Asian nachos (for her) and beignets for dessert, we compared notes on our lives. I am sure that I bored her to death (as I am now doing to you, dear reader) on the details of law school life, but she was very polite and listened. After dinner, I hopped on the El and made my way back home. Tomorrow, I have training with Dave in the morning before class (ouch), so I have to get to bed now. Until tomorrow!

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