Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eddie's Place-or where everybody knows your name

So I had returned from my trip out East. I was now in possession of a new (well, new to me anyway as it was manufactured in the 1990s) vehicle. I was still faced with the insurmountable task of unpacking and getting ready for my first day of work the following Tuesday. PAG and Xander had already made plans with me for dinner the following Wednesday, but I was feeling rather isolated sitting in my new place staring at mounds and mounds of boxes (a major downside of being a comic and toy collector). I mean, Scuba Steve and Anonymous Hottie, the two longest-lived individuals in the area where I moved, were out gallivanting the various wildernesses of Colorado and Grenada (was the Ford Grenada named after the island or vice versa? I forget), and Daisy and BSSMOW lived too far away for easy access and were busy in their own right. As a result, I was left to my own devices-or so I thought.

Enter Eddie and HASWOE.

Now, save for a few occasions (including the disastrous screening experience that was Speed Racer), I had never had an opportunity to hang out with Eddie and HASWOE. After all, they lived far away in the mecca that was MY haunt for the FIRST 7 year period of my graduate study (long after I had moved away from said mecca). They, in their infinite consideration, had sought to throw a housewarming party when I would be in town, but my schedule of the previous 2 weeks (traveling and my brother's wedding) prevented me from being present for either of the 2 weekends that they had available, so I told them not to worry about me. They ended up having what sounds like a fabulous housewarming party, and I was sad that I missed it.

While sitting at the computer by my lonesome on Friday night (yes, I am quite the party cossack), Eddie and I start gChatting). We agree that brunch the next morning would be fun. Wow! I had plans for Saturday morning! The next morning, I walked the 2 blocks to Eddie and HASWOE's place and was comforted by the fact that it took scarcely 5 minutes to cover the distance from my place to theirs. We had a fabulous brunch, killing time by shopping at a local gourmet and liquor store. My mind, however, was elsewhere a lot of the time, as I was thinking about all of the moving out from my old place that still needed to be done. As soon as brunch was over, we walked back to our respective places, and I immediately felt alone again. What the heck? I LOVE being alone. What's the deal here?

So there I was, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, having no plans whatsoever except to move more things from my old place and to fall asleep with college football on in the background. Having done much of the moving and returned to my new place, I was exhausted and collapsed on my sofa. As I was drifting in and out of sleep, my phone rang:

Eddie: "Do you have plans for tonight"

Me (still sleepy): "zxfdfdfssfxzzfxfzzz? asd .fdsfa sd.fewrewqwef!"

Eddie (patiently): "Do you have plans for tonight?"

Me (with the fog of REM sleep lifting): "No no..I thought I might sit here in the dark by myself turning on and off the light switch while listening to Madame Butterfly.", actually I said "No plans, dude. What do you have in mind?"

Eddie: "HASWOE and I were going to grill out and, since you missed the housewarming, we wanted you to come over. You need to see how well Ralphie (the grill that Eddie and I put works."

Immediately, my spirits lifted. I mean, sure, I missed the housewarming, but here, I was able to have Eddie and HASWOE all to myself! Those of you who read Eddie's blog can get a sense of how fun the two of them are. Now fully awake, I told Eddie: "When and where, and what can I bring?"

Eddie, or course, said "nothing-and whenever you want to come over." Cool.

I headed over to the Eddie house and was met immediately by the yapping of Crossers. Eddie came to the door (HASWOE was immersed in her own closet-organization hell). Eddie and I bantered back and forth in the kitchen and then moved out to the balcony where Ralphie lives. As Eddie prepared to grill, HASWOE joined us, and, over wine and cheese, we sat and chatted. The weather was perfect and the conversation was intelligent.

"Wow," I thought. "So THIS is what this is like."

In short order, HASWOE and Eddie have become two close friends. This is not my normal MO. Usually, people have to be around me for months before they enter what De Niro, in "Meet the Parents" so aptly called the Circle of Trust. The two of them are as warm and wonderful a couple as any that I have met. Since then, we have hung out a lot together, and their place feels like home. Even the dogs have become accustomed to my presence. So to all of you out there who read Eddie's blog and think that he and HASWOE are awesome, I am here to tell you that, with ONE EXCEPTION, you are correct.

The evil couple introduced me to authentic imported British chocolate, and it has become my heroin. I am always looking for my next fix. DAMN YOU EDDIE!!!!

1 comment:

eddie said...

Thanks, Artful - it really is great to have such a wonderful friend in the neighbourhood - and I have a few, so of course I'm incredibly spoiled.

And it does seem as though Ralphie hasn't been fired up for, ooooh, at least a few days . . . Aaargh, damn weddings!