Friday, September 23, 2005

No title today, just a post!

So it is Friday morning, and I am feeling the weariness of the week setting in. Only 2 more classes to go, but the work does not end. I recognize that I really need to find some downtime this weekend. I have decided to enjoy my downtime on Sunday. Of course, this means that I will have to get all of my work done tomorrow. At this point, however, the reading just seems routine and less of a hassle. I am getting better at picking things up, and I am noticing that the amount of time it takes to pick things out is getting lower and lower.

This really hasn’t been a particularly eventful week. Wednesday kind of came and went, and I must confess to wiffing a couple of questions in Con Law and in Civil Procedure. I wasn’t sure that I was right when I answered, but I really should start developing a thicker skin. Although I have always had a fear of failure, I have always learned so much more when I have failed that not. I suppose it is better to fail at this stage of the game than during exams.

The positive thing about this week is that I am finally back on a workout schedule. I had worried that working out would sap my energy, but the reverse has been true. I guess there is something to the whole “endorphin rush” of working out.

I really do not have too much planned for the weekend. I am having dinner with some friends tonight (after I finish my reading for Monday’s Con Law, of course). I intend to work out tomorrow morning and then head to the library for the day. I will probably watch the ABC evening college football game when I get home on Saturday night. I hope that I get all of my work done on Saturday. I do need a day to rest my head. Of course, my study group will be meeting on Sunday night, so at least I will get some work done.

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