Thursday, February 28, 2008

Scenes from Hammond, IL

The event: law students wasting loan money at the casino boats (Horseshoe Casino, in this case)

Pre-party: at the White Castle just south of the casino. It is a surreal experience being so close to Gary, Indiana dining at a White Castle staffed by elderly matronly workers while Jimmy Buffet plays overhead.

The action: The roulette wheel. The roulette wheel is gambling in its purest form. Will a small marble hit on any one of 36 numbers (38 with 0 and 00)? I was advised to "bet on black." Within 2 spins I had doubled my stake. I kept half of it on black and again doubled my stake. Now, at this point, wisdom would have dictated me to remove my money and walk away. I did not do it soon enough and walked away with nothing. The bigger benefit was watching how one of my buddy placed bets. He ended up $400 ahead for the evening through conservative betting and always removing his stakes. I know what to do when I go to Vegas-follow him around and bet as he does (although the one time I tried it last night, neither of us won).

Disheartened, I sat back and became an observer. The casino boats are nasty places, with a thick haze of stale cigarette smoke and blue collar people using their pay checks to buy gambling chips. At the same time, the action in the air was palpable, but the Horseshoe was not a favorite. Next time, the Majestic Star will be the destination if I can handle it.

Or maybe I will just be smart and not bet at all!

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