Monday, August 15, 2005

And so the first week begins...

In my infinite wisdom, I am scheduled to move on Thursday after 2 days of law school orientation. The next 3 days should be dedicated to packing my apartment up, but there are so many details to take care of that I feel a bit ovewhelmed. I guess the end result will be all right. After all, with school starting this week and my move, I am handling all of my stressors at once. So far, the day has been pretty easy. I woke up at 8 am, packed up a few boxes, and went to the gym. I returned from the gym all ready to get some packing done. It hasn't been as bad as I fear. My current apartment is a studio in Old Town, right next to Second City. As I live in a studio, the amount of amassed "stuff" (thank-you, George Carlin) is far less that it could have been. I have fallen into the habit of moving some packed boxes from place to place without ever unpacking them. One of these days, I will have to go through them!

Where was !? Oh, yes..I returned from the gym and chatted with my Dad for a while. I intended to get right to packing, but I made the mistake of turning on the TV. Wouldn't you know that STARZ EDGE is showing First Blood, that famous 80's movie starring the red haired Caruso from CSI Miami and some guy named Stallone. This kills 2 hours. I start to do some packing and then realize that I still need to change my cell phone billing. My former company, Bio-Rad, generously allowed me to keep my cell phone number after I resigned to start law school, but getting Cingular to actually port the number has been a nightmare. After spending 2 hours on the phone with Cingular trying to get this resolved, the salesperson gets irritated with Cingular Corporate (I actually lost my cool with them), the salesperson has been extremely nice and promises to call me tomorrow about my plan. I start packing again with the Simpsons playing in the background.

I am starting to get a little nervous about tomorrow. Orientation begins at 9:30 sharp and continues until 6. I will definitely have some info posted tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get better at this blog stuff.

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