Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is it only Tuesday?

Another full day of classes, and boy am I tired! I can’t believe that it is only the second day of classes. I had forgotten about the daily grind of classwork and evening reading. Today started at 6:30 AM. I hadn’t slept well thanks to a late summer cold with coughing fits that woke me up. I was able to get on the bus today by 7:30 AM and was on campus by 8 AM. Since my first class didn’t start until 9, I took the opportunity to go down to the Starbucks on the first floor and get some hot tea. The first class of the day was Torts, and this one was a long one-lasting one hour and 40 minutes…and no breaks! I have to admit to being a little confused during today’s discussion of negligence versus strict liability, but I think that I can clarify my confusion when I do my reviewing this Saturday. After Torts, I went to lunch with a group of students in my section. It was a unique experience going to lunch with people born in 1983, but I was able to participate in the discussion by contributing as the grumpy old man. The best part of the group was that everyone went to the library before the afternoon class to study. These are the type of students I should hang out with. They are extremely friendly as well. I think I made some new friends.

After lunch was the first Contracts class. The professor spent most of the class on expectations for the semester and her embracing of the Socratic teaching style, and I started to get a little nervous. In actuality, it was a great class. I was happy that I was able to answer all of the questions on the assigned case correctly. I was home by 5 PM and made dinner. I allowed myself one and ½ hours to relax before I started my reading assignments for the evening. 3 hours later, I was done. Have I mentioned that I am tired?

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