Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday, August 29

Monday is almost over now. The day started with the struggle to awaken with the normal desire to relax in bed as long as possible. I shook myself awake and was out the door, but I missed the bus by mere seconds. I thought that it would be one of those days. I walked to the El stop and marveled at the relative serenity at that time of the day. The El was packed with people, and felt like the proverbial sardine in a can, not really able to move very much until my stop was 2 away. I went to the library and reviewed my Constitutional Process notes for the morning class. The class was pretty good, as we were discussing a method by which the US Supreme Court is able to avoid controversial topics. It seems that they invoke this method pretty often. After 3 classes of Constitutional Process, I am looking forward to following the confirmation hearings of our newest Supreme Court justice. Following class, I had lunch with my friends Justin and Steve before heading to the library to review Civil Procedure before class started. Civil Procedure will be my most challenging class, I think. The professor calls on someone at the beginning of class and then continues to go back to them throughout the class. The entire class is “on call”, so to speak. I have decided to review my notes before every class in an effort to be ready when I am called on. I have already noticed a shift in my level of preparation from last week’s topics to this week’s topics. Civil Procedure was as good as ever, and I have spent the last 3 hours here in the library finishing up my reading for Contracts tomorrow. Thankfully, I was able to finish my Constitutional Law and Torts reading over the weekend, so I feel as if I am a little ahead of the game. My plan is to head home, eat dinner, and work on the disaster that is my living space that still needs work.

Sorry for the boring post, but this is really a day in the life kind of day. Mondays!!!

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