Friday, August 26, 2005

Well, it will be a short entry today. Sorry, but I am extremely tired (but in a good way). Today, classes started at 10 AM, so I had a bit of down time this morning. I was able to pack a good lunch and get downtown for my Legal Analysis Class. Legal Analysis was almost 2 hours long, and I was already feeling tired from the long week, but at least I was eating lunch at the normal hour. My friend Justin is in the same section as I am (the Legal Analysis sections only have 15 people in them), so after the class, we went to lunch. We ended up heading to….any guesses….yup, POTBELLY’S.!!!! YES. I know that I said I packed a good lunch, but it would make an even better dinner. The afternoon was taken up by more Civil Procedure and then I was off to the library. I wanted to see how much work I could get done while still at school. Would you believe that I got ALL of it done? It’s true. I was able to make my training session with David with time to spare. I came home to find that my roommate had thoughtfully purchased a birthday cookie in lieu of a cake for me-complete with Shrek on it (I am quite the movie lover, as most of you know. I am now showered and ready for bed, but I wanted to update you on my birthday. It was pretty uneventful, but thanks to some great e-cards from my friends Aline, Lisa, and Jennifer (no, I am not a player. I think that only my female friends tend to send e-cards!), I had quite a few smiles to bring me through the day. I am also pretty sure that my folks tried to call me from India. I was in my Legal Writing course, so I could not answer, but the fact that they tried to call still made me feel pretty good. My best friend Aaron also called me at 11 PM his time. That meant a lot to me as well. I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life (those of you reading this know it when I am talking about you!!).

I promise to have a longer entry tomorrow…oh, wait, it’s Friday…maybe the longer update will be on Saturday.

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